Downloading media files
The "Download" function enables you to store content on your computer. All downloads can also be sent to your
mobile device using iTunes synchronization. There is a version optimized for iPad and iPhone.
The "Download" function is only available to a limited group of people ("Users").

Player - file download
- You can download entire playlists and mark them with a special watermark. Playlist downloads include all the clips in a given timeline that are joined together in a new file. The downloaded playlist rendered by Webgate has chapter markers at the clip transitions, which you can jump to using the applicable software, e.g. iTunes.
- The source files can also be downloaded if they have been released for downloading. All source files in the current playlist are displayed here.
- To start the download, click on the download symbol of the selected version. The number of playlist downloads available depends on the project settings and on the rendered download versions.
- You can also download the source files with the download symbol. Depending on the format and codec of the source file, you may have to install additional software or codecs on your computer in order to be able to view the files.
- In "Show more information" you can find out more about the downloadable video. The information includes video and audio codecs, resolutions, frame rates and bit rates.

- If you have the authorization, you can also download source files from a playlist. To do so, open a playlist and select the clips of which you want to download the source files by ticking on the clips. With the keystroke combination ‘STRG + A’ on Windows and ‘CMD + A’ on MAC you can select all clips of the playlist at once. You can also use Shift + Click to select a range of clips. You can deselect individual clips by unticking the unrequired clip.
- If you then click on ‘Download source clips’, all the source clips you have selected will be downloaded. Please be aware that the mass download function is dependent on your browser settings. Where necessary change the browser settings, that it is no longer asked for the save location for every single file.